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王力宏渐冻人公益歌曲《Forever Your Dad》王力宏的歌全部歌曲免费下载

2021-02-03 22:53来源:91f音乐原创作者:321无损音乐

王力宏的新歌《Forever Your Dad》是一首超级催泪单曲,诉说着父亲对孩子最深切、永无止境的爱。在温馨的配乐背景下,王力宏深情的歌声似乎又将我们带入了童年的温柔怀抱。

先说歌曲的背景。虽然很多人都说了,但我还是想说说故事的主人公,王力宏的高中同学Dave。他是三个女儿的父亲。他因为生病(渐冻症)现在行动和说话都不太方便。每一个父亲都想陪伴孩子的成长,为无数孩子的“人生第一次”做见证。这位伟大的父亲给三个女儿写了一封信,并为她们写了一首诗,试图告诉她们,即使生活不能按照他最初的计划进行,甚至以他无法理解的方式发生,他也向她们保证,他将参与她们生活中的每一个重要时刻。他们第一次约会;他们第一次开车的时候,第一次尝到了自由的滋味;当他们第一次对着镜头微笑时;或者当他们走过人生的舞台,前方的未来依然像一张白纸。他的陪伴永远在那里,在那一刻,这是他作为父亲最坚定的承诺。无论那一刻他是在她们身边还是和她们分开,他都会和她们的心紧紧绑在一起 永不分离。王力宏作曲后成为最终的《Forever Your Dad》。2020年福利展上,王力宏第一次演唱时,就把歌名翻译成了:永远的父亲。




Forever Your Dad - 王力宏 (Leehom Wang)
Lyrics by:David B Neufeglise
Composed by:王力宏
Sometimes life doesn't work out the way you've planned
Sometimes life happens in ways too hard to understand
The news that I received today
Has taken all my breath away
But I am promising you right now
That I'll be with you always somehow
Either hand-in-hand or worlds apart
Standing by your side or in your heart
Maybe in a sunset or a prayer
When you go on your first date
And can't figure out what to say
When you get behind the wheel and
Have your first taste of freedom
When you're smilin' for the camera
At your high school formal dance and
When you're walking across that stage
With your whole future a blank page
Please remember I'm going to be there
'Cause I promise you right now
That I'll be with you always somehow
Either hand-in-hand or worlds apart
Standing by your side or in your heart
Face-to-face or as a memory
Keep your eyes open and you'll see
That through the good times and the bad
I will forever be your dad
If you're tryin' to get ahead
But the results are better left unsaid
And you're on the edge about to quit
'Cause you just can't get the pieces to fit
When your heart is broken by some fool
Who dunno know what he's done to you
Or you just need some advice on life
'Cause nothing seems to be going right
You have to know I'll always be there
'Cause I promise you right now
That I'll be with you always somehow
Either hand-in-hand or worlds apart
Standing by your side or in your heart
Face-to-face or as a memory
Keep your eyes open and you'll see
That through the good times and the bad
I will forever be your dad
I will forever be your dad
'Cause I promise you right now
That I'll be with you always somehow
Either hand-in-hand or worlds apart
Standing by your side or in your heart
Face-to-face or as a memory
Keep your eyes open and you'll see
That through the good times and the bad
I will forever be your dad I will forever be your dad

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